USD 49.00

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Product Description

Dainty mini silver birthstone rings. Wear alone or stack it up with more!
Crystals correspond with birth months & zodiac signs. Wearing one’s birthstone is believed to offer
strength, luck, protection or healing. They also are said to help the wearer be noticed in a positive way.
Great gift idea! Stackable. Prosperous. Versatile.

Stack them up them up with our classic Bubble ring or Royal twisted ring.
Before purchasing the ring of your dreams keep in mind that everything is 100% designed and handcrafted by Christina Zefis.
Not one piece is 100% alike! Gemstones are unique, and so is the creative process!


♦ Peridot – August
Lapis Lazuli – September
Carnelian – July
Rainbow Moonstone – June
Chrysoprase – May
Aquamarine – March
Amethyst – February
Turquoise – December
gemstones (4x4mm)
♦ Round sterling silver band (1.25mm)
♦ Size: choose your US size
♦ Handmade with love!



❁ Inner Vision
❁ Truthful Communication
❁ Honesty, dignity, friendship & sociability
❁ Royal Virtues
❁ Protective (especially for children)
❁ Activates the Third Eye, Allowing One to Develop Enhanced  Intuition & Access to Spiritual Guidance.
❁ The Stone for the Spiritual Seeker & Student, Stimulating one’s Desire for Knowledge & Understanding.
❁ Stone of Self-Knowledge & Reflection
❁ Stone for Clairvoyance & Precognition
❁ Healing
❁ Joy
❁ Psychism
❁ Courage

Lapis Lazuli has been praised and used in jewelry since antiquity. Ancient Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli in in jewelry, beads and scarabs all the way since 3100 BC. It has been mined in the mountains of Afghanistan for over 6.000 years.
Lapis Lazuli is believed to activate the psychic centers at the third eye, allowing us to develop enhanced intuition and access to spiritual guidance.
Allow Lapis Lazuli to activate the higher mind and psychic abilities as it is one of the best gemstones for this purpose.
Traditionally, Lapis Lazuli has been used to help the establishment of a connection with the Divine. It was traditionally believed to carry within the spirit of the deities.
The stone for the spiritual seeker and student, it does awaken the desire for knowledge and understanding.
It can help one learn more effectively and its great for enhancing memory.
Lapis is a stone of self-knowledge and reflection. It helps one take self responsibility rather than blaming others for missed opportunities.
Allows us to identify our abilities and gifts.
Is believed to help access the Akashic records. One may harness its power by allowing it to help us dream meaningful and prophetic dreams.
Allows the identification of patterns, or habits which may be blocking our spiritual progress.

Helps identify karmic roots of disease.
Lapis Lazuli is also credited with being a stone of friendship which makes it a great gift idea for a true friend as it can bring harmony and help any relationship last long.
To recharge Lapis Lazuli stones it is advised to do so under a starlit night.

Zodiac: Sagittarius
Element: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus

Affirmation: “ I claim the authority and power of my higher self, and I align myself with my highest truth.”

☯ CARNELIAN (Chalcedony)

Carnelian is a variety of Chalcedony in the form of orange, red pink or brown.
A “feel better” stone.
It helps with study, memory, inspiration, speech and the voice, so it is good for live performers.
It can relieve laziness and apathy and bring vitality and self-esteem, compassion, courage and personal power.
Good for meditation retreats.
Enhances your connection to spirit and enables you to see the links between dis-ease and emotions so that you can deal with the emotions and prevent dis-ease.
Helps anger, envy, fear, rage, sorrow, confusion, and jealousy.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus, Leo, Cancer
Chakra: Sacral

– Mystery
– Self-discovery
– Intuition
– Insight
– Dreams
– The Goddess

☾ Rainbow Moonstone is believed to act as a prism that diffuses energy throughout the aura. It assists in clearing the psychic senses and the mind and brings the frequency of joy to one’s energy field.
Rainbow moonstones emanate great vitality, life force and exuberant joy. They offer the gift of inner peace and harmony, emotional balance and strength, purification and transformation of negativity, as well as psychic protection.
Rainbow moonstones are aligned with the energies of the Goddess and they can help one successfully empower the feminine aspects of oneself.
Harmonizes well with Sunstone, Labradorite, Amethyst or Amber.
☾ Moonstone is a stone beneficial for change, new beginnings, endings, insight, as well as good luck.
Moonstone is soothing and helps the inner self and emotions.
Use Moonstone to release energy blocks.
The stone brings control, calm, confidence and balance.
☾ Rainbow Moonstone is believed to house a spiritual being that carries the vibration of light and spiritual healing for the whole of humanity, reminding us that we are part of an ongoing cycle.

☾ Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
☾ Chakra: Sacral
☾ Element: Wind


– Growth
– Compassion
– Connection with Nature
– Forgiveness
– Altruism
– Prosperity
– Love attractor
– Regeneration
– Yin/yang balance
– Helps Anxiety, Depression
– Stone of Spring

Chrysoprase is a type of green Chalcedony a member of the Quartz group. It has been used in Greece as a gemstone as back s 400 B.C. In medieval times it was believed that Chrysoprase had fallen from the apple trees of Heaven itself.
The beautiful green of Chrysoprase puts it in the category of the heart Chakra. Its color speaks of its strong healing energy & of its connection to nature spirits.
Wearing or meditating with these stones can create a deep heart connection with the Earth mother spirit.
It also helps remain centered in the Heart at all times, providing the courage to face difficult situations with compassion.
Chrysoprase also activates the solar-plexus chakra, the seat of the will.
It works to bend one’s personal will with the urging of the heart, which in turn unites our individual desires with the heart’s higher longing for the good of all.
Meditating with Chrysoprase stones and placing one on the heart and the other on solar-plexus centers may facilitate a connection between the two, thus connecting their energies.

Chrysoprase has also been credited with carrying the energy of growth and ripening promise.
Allow it to bring hope even to the darkest regions of one’s shadow self. It serves as a reminder of our ultimate connection to the source of all-that-is.
Allow its energy to expand the heart chakra which in turn allows us to receive the infinite love and abundance of the universe. It helps us accept and receive our birthrights of joy and health.
Allow it to help you understand the interconnectedness with all of creation and to heal feelings of separation and isolation.
Chrysoprase can help us foster positive, healing thoughts toward each other and the earth.
You may revitalize Chrysoprase under a light rain or shower.

Affirmation: I see myself & others through the lens of the heart’s compassion, and I grow in the paths that serve the good of all.

Zodiac: Libra, Taurus
Element: Water
Chakra: Heart, Solar Plexus


Aquamarine is a variety of Beryl. There is evidence of its first use in ancient Greece between 300 and 500 B.C.

In ancient lore, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids, and it was used as a talisman in order t
Helps study and communication. In addition, it was also seen as a stone of eternal youth and happiness.

Stone of release
Enhancement of Clear Communication
Protects Travelers
Makes Things Happen
Builds Tolerance & Responsibility
Helps Judgmental Attitude
Good For Centering and Meditation
Spiritual Awareness

Allow Aquamarine benefit you in all types of calming and cooling from hot flashes to anger.
Aquamarine also activates the Throat Chakra which assists us in clear communication of our highest truth.
Aquamarine’s energy feels almost like a shower under a cool waterfall.
It calms but it does not put one to sleep. Its effects lead one to a relaxed but alert state of consciousness where our inner wisdom and highest truth is brought to the surface.
For women, Aquamarine is able to lend the courage and clarity to express one’s inner knowing as well as intuitive ability enhancement.
Stone of empowerment for both sexes, as it helps us realize that a lot of power steps from alignment of oneself with life force.
Aquamarine works well with all stones connected to communication & Divine Feminine such as Larimar, Chrysocolla, Turquoise or Blue Topaz.
Aquamarine is also able to aid in grief. It also helps achieve the release of any old emotional baggage and vengeful thoughts Is able to calm anger and hysteria.
Aquamarine is a cardinal water element stone. A powerful cleansing agent for the emotional body as well as the best of stones when it comes to activation and clearing of the Throat Chakra.
Builds tolerance and responsibility.
Use Aquamarine to bring calm, compassion & spiritual awareness.
Aquamarine can help us get close to our inner and higher self.
This stone is also good for meditation and centering.
With visualization, it can help to gently cleanse all Chakras as well as clearing pollutants.

Chakra: Throat, Heart
Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Pisces
Element: Water
Planet: Moon

Amethyst is a variety of Quartz found as crystals or masses

✦ Magnifies the energy of other Crystals
✦ Good for overall Protection, Mental, emotional and physical balance
✦ Helps with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Anger & violent tendencies
✦ Calms passion, nerves, oversensitivity, tension, emotional energy & grief
✦ Enhances the aura, self-esteem, meditation, spirit contact & spirituality.

✦ Protection
✦ Purification
✦ Connection
✦ Release of Addictions

Amethyst, is believed to be a stone of spiritual protection and purification. Allow amethyst to help you give up bad habits.

It stimulates Crown Chakra and it helps achieve higher states of consciousness by allowing the mind to stay still during meditation.
Allow Amethyst to help clear your energy field of negative influences and attachments which can lead to the creation of an “energetic shield” (Field of Spiritual Light around the body which  wards off the negativity in one’s environment.)
Amethyst is associated with the “violet flame” of Spiritual purification of St. Germaine.
Ideal stone to enhance our physical environment.
Wear Amethyst in order to maintain the inner space of your body and energy field in a state of balance and well being.
It is advised to occasionally clear the stone. This could be done in many ways, one of the most popular being placing the stone under fresh running water and visualize it being cleared off any negativity it might have for a minute or so.
Amethyst can help one identify the root causes of certain behaviors or emotional patterns which may lead to dis-ease.
Amethyst is also a stone which may very well help those who don’t feel they belong to the Earth plane and constantly long for other dimensions or systems.
Amethyst is believed to be able to balance to the nervous system & the brain.

Affirmation: “ I allow my connection with the Divine uplift, purify & protect me.”

Zodiac Sign: Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
Chakra: Crown, Third Eye, Etheric
Element: Wind

♦ PERIDOT (Magnesium Iron Silicate)

Also Called Chrysolite or Olivine
– Increase
– Prosperity
– Warmth
– Well Being

Peridot has been mined from Egypt for 3.000 years and Egyptians used to make Peridot beads 2.500 years ago!
Greece and Rome also used Peridot in Jewelry since the 3rd century.
Since antiquity Peridot was associated with the sun and Greeks used to believe that whoever wore Peridot would have the energy of royalty conferred to them. Other attributes to Peridot dating thousands of years back include protection from evil spirits and wealth.
In modern times, Peridot are believed to emanate positive power, inner sense of warmth and well-being and abundance.
Allow Peridot to aid in self-worth, quiet spiritual fears, & bring the physical dimension of reality into alignment with one’s inner truth.
Helps remove blockages of receiving.
Alleviates heaviness of heart.
Abundance on all levels.
Peridot is also a “feel better” gemstone that is beneficial to the ego and mental health healing.
It is also believed that it offers protection from outside influences.
Helps laziness and breaks behavior patterns and cycles.
Great stone to reach enlightenment during meditation.
Helps with many problems such as stress, anger, jealousy, depression, lethargy and emotional problems.
It is also believed that it can promote sleep if worn to bed due to its calming effect on the nervous system.
Amongst the many properties of peridot is also its ability to protect from the evil eye.

Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus


▴ Wholeness
▴ Communication
▴ Spiritual Expansion
▴ Combines Four Element Energies
▴ Wisdom
▴ Self-Forgiveness
▴ Self-Acceptance
▴ Increases Prana
▴ Protection
▴ Multi-Purpose Healer for the Body
▴ Emotional Balance
▴ Courage
▴ Healing
▴ Luck

Turquoise is one of those stones that has been praised by humanity since antiquity for its beauty and metaphysical properties. Among those who valued it as a stone of wisdom and nobility are the ancient Egyptians, the Aztecs & the Ancient Chinese & the Native Americans. It is believed to bridge earth and heaven and Native Americans see it as sacred.
In Indian Navajo culture, turquoise was used as a protective stone. It used to be able to protect them from negative magic.
Nowadays a turquoise ring is worn in order to protect from the “evil eye” and more or less all dangers as it also promotes courage.As a protective stone, it has been long used in amulets for defense.
Like all blue stones, Turquoise is considered a stone of luck and it is carried to attract good fortune.
To be given a turquoise may bring good fortune & peace.
An effective healer, it provides solace for spirit and well-being for the physical body. It has been long believed that turquoise worn in a ring or pendant may promote and protect health.

It is also a powerful energy conduit, as it is able to release old vows, inhibitions and prohibitions, releases self-sabotage and it allows the soul to express itself once more.

With turquoise one is able to see that the creation of their “fate” depends on what we do at each moment.
Turquoise is also believed to be able to calm the mind and ease depression.

Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio
Chakra: Throat
Element: Earth

Caution: Turquoise fades in sunlight and from exposure in oils.
Recharge with Smudging or under the full moons energies.

Affirm: “ I will not fail or fall”